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The Young Composer's Concert Series

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C. A. Martin

Charles A. Martin is a 18 year old American Composer, Pianist, Multi-Instrumentalist, Singer, Actor, Writer, and Entrepreneur. He began taking piano lessons when he was 4 years old, and since then has performed not only on stage all across the country with piano and other instruments, but also as characters and ensemble parts in musical and non-musical theater productions. When he began writing music, he was 11 years old, and through the guidence of his father, David Martin, who is also a composer, he began to fall in love with the crafting of musical thematics. During his Sophomore year of Highschool, he started taking it a bit more seriously, and began competing with his piano teacher, Mrs. Kristy Moore. She opened many doors for not only his piano performance, but also his composition, helping him become more involved with not only competitions, but also a fabulous composition program with Fear No Music called The Young Composers Project* which has opened doors for him to write for chamber ensembles all around Portland, start his own ensembles, found an organization, and even have his music performed in Europe. Charles has had a unique musical upbringing, with his father being a composer and pianist, his grandfather being a retired music history professor, his father's sister and her husband being theater actors and directors, his father's brother being a cellist, and all of his cousins being musically talented as well, some being authors and poets, and some holding vocal performance degrees.

Contact C. A. Martin at his email:

or his phone: (971)272-5945




*More information on The Young Composers Project here:

Copyright © C. A. Martin 2023

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